Category Archives: Development

Cabe’s opaque Design Review for Brentford Town Centre is best binned

When Cabe, now part of the Design Council, first published their latest Design Review for Brentford Waterside, Hounslow on 14 February 2013 local residents were hopeful that this once respected body would urge Ballymore and their architects to radically reconsider the density and architectural aesthetic of their scheme.  Instead residents, including many town planning and architecture professionals, were astounded by a majority of Cabe’s conclusionsOur investigations since have not lessened our concerns.  Instead they highlight the urgent need for close scrutiny of the way Cabe undertakes future Design Reviews if they are to ever live up totheir own standards.

Our analysis of the Cabe Design Review which follows, first looks at its fatal flaws in terms of complying with Cabe’s own principles and then considers the review’s conclusions.  Given the flaws in application of principles, the Design Review’s conclusions can be given little credence.

Process flaws

Cabe’s Design Review guidance sets out ten principles that their reviews are supposed to follow. These were in development at the time of the Brentford Design Review, and I understand from correspondence and a meeting with Design Council Chief Executive John Mathers that they are now being rolled out for all future Design Review commissions, which is to be welcomed.  The charity’s trustees should back him in this endeavor.  However the table below shows the gap between theory and practice is stark in the Brentford Design Review, which can no longer be given any airtime and credence by local, regional and national planning authorities.

Design Review principle Score (3 max  – 0 minimum) Commentary
Proportionate – It is used on projects whose significance, either at local or national level, warrants the investment needed to provide the service. 3 A scheme with this scale of impact in a historic town center clearly warrants careful application of the Design Review process.
Timely – It takes place as early as possible in the design process, because this can avoid a great deal of wasted time. It also costs less to make changes at an early stage. 3 Cabe have already conducted a pre-application Design Review in about 2006.  This was not published but is largely understood to have been scathing of pre-application drawings commissioned by Ballymore from BDP.
Advisory – A design review panel does not make decisions, but it offers impartial advice for the people who do. 0 ‘Advisory’ status of findings is understood but impartiality as noted below is impossible to confirm.
Objective – It appraises schemes according to reasoned, objective criteria rather than the stylistic tastes of individual panel members 0 Impossible to judge as we know neither the criteria used nor the individual panel members.

Given Cabe has not yet gone on the record and published a full account of this Design Review we can only assume that the process was fully funded by Ballymore and therefore partial.

Accessible – Its findings and advice are clearly expressed in terms that design teams, decision makers and clients can all understand and make use of. 2 See analysis below of findings and advice.
Independent – It is conducted by people who are unconnected with the scheme’s promoters and decision makers, and it ensures that conflicts of interest do not arise. 0 We have no idea as to whether the panel’s membership was independent given the membership has not been published.  We have simply been told that the panel is made up of people drawn from a pool of 250+ experts.

This does raise serious questions as to if and when the body will learn frommistakes of the past that clearly contributed to the departure of a previous Chief Executive.


Expert – It is carried out by suitably trained people who are experienced in design and know how to criticise constructively. Review is usually most respected where it is carried out by professional peers of the project designers, because their standing and expertise will be acknowledged. 0 We have no idea as to whether the panel was an appropriate and respected group of experts given the panel’s membership has not been published.  We have simply been told that it is made up of people drawn from a pool of 250+ experts.
Multidisciplinary – It combines the different perspectives of architects, urban designers, urban and rural planners, landscape architects, engineers and other specialist experts to provide a complete, rounded assessment. 0 We have no idea as to whether the panel’s membership was multidisciplinary give the panel’s membership has not been published.  We have simply been told that it is made up of people drawn from a pool of 250+ experts.
Accountable – The Review Panel and its advice must be clearly seen to work for the benefit of the public. This should be ingrained within the panel’s terms of reference. 0 We have no idea as neither the panel’s membership nor terms of reference have not been published.
Transparent – The panel’s remit, membership, governance processes and funding should always be in the public domain. 0 If this guidance was followed, Cabe would have published on their website for the Brentford Design Review the following:

• Objective criteria

• Panel terms of reference/ remit

• Panel membership

• Governance processes

• Funding


Confusion remains as to what was reviewed by the Cabe panel.  Ballymore advised BHSSG representatives that their draft revised drawings had been viewed by the panel.  The Design Council’s Chief Executive thought they had reviewed the planning application drawings (unrevised).


What are the findings and advice from this opaque process?

Cabe: “We are delighted to review this important project; it presents a great opportunity to regenerate Brentford High Street and the land between the high street and the Great Union Canal. We welcome the proposal and applaud the client for their commitment to design quality. We commend the thoughtful analysis which has informed the scheme.”

Response: Brentford’s local community was not at all convinced by the appropriateness of the design at a public meeting last Autumn where BHSSG was invited to contribute.  In fact all residents present at the meeting spoke out against the current designs, which have ignored the atmosphere and design aesthetic that residents explained to Ballymore and their architects at numerous design workshops in 2011/12.

“The new quarter sits comfortably in the historic context and has the potential to become a successful addition of Brentford. While the density is high and the proposed finger block typology requires great care to avoid overlooking and privacy issues, we think that phase 1 illustrates how this challenge can be resolved successfully. Equal design care needs to be applied to future stages of the proposal to achieve an acceptable outcome in the round. We have a few comments to make regarding the detailed resolution of the site layout and the building blocks.”

The density is well in excess of planning guidance with a scale that will drown out what is retained of the area’s heritage assets.

“Masterplan and site layout – The proposed masterplan works well within the historic setting and provides a street pattern that has the potential to draw people in and to create a vibrant waterfront destination.”

We broadly support the proposed street pattern, although it is unfortunate that it obliterates one of Brentford’s oldest yards – Boar’s Head Yard, visible on the 1635 Moses Glover map.

“In our view, the scheme has a strong identity based on the careful integration of historic elements, and we think that the height and volume of the proposed perimeter blocks appear appropriate in this context.”

Only in a few aspects does the proposed new build compliment the historic elements.  The height and volume is largely completely insensitive to the historic elements which will be dwarfed by what is proposed.  The proposed heights exceed the Brentford Area Action Plan (Local Development Framework) which highlighted four stories as the character of the area.

“The success of the scheme and the regeneration of the existing high street will depend on how the two areas can complement each other and also on the offer of shops, cafés and activities which need to reflect the specific identities of the high street and the waterfront.”

We would agree.

“We applaud the joined-up thinking around the Magistrates Court and the decision to create a unified public space around the building.”

So do we, but this is outside the redline of Ballymore’s proposed development.  Aspects of the Ballymore scheme that relate to Market Place still do little to respond to the scale of the space.

“The east-west route parallel to the canal and the high street has the potential to become a thriving place with shops and active frontages; the local authority should request a detailed landscape strategy in terms of the paving materials and the relationship with the water, for example, and condition the landscape design as appropriate to ensure that the intended quality will be delivered. We also recommend assessing the impact of low and high tide on the landscape proposal. We feel that the presence of water, which makes this location special, could be strengthened across the site.

We would agree.

“A different articulation of Still Yard, for example, perhaps less narrow or aligned with Half Acre, would help connect the waterfront to the wider Brentford neighbourhood as this axis could link directly to the railway station and the local library.”

This statement evidences how little the Design Panel understands Brentford a place whose character is defined by quirky, narrow, non-aligned alleyways and yards.

“Building design – While we commend the overall articulation of the finger blocks, we feel that the taller elements could be even taller and somewhat more elegant – provided they do not impact more on the views from Syon Park and Kew Gardens.

We understand this observation is based on a guidance Cabe produced on tall buildings with English Heritage, although it ignores the reality of the scheme context: Opposite a World Heritage Site (Kew Gardens) and Grade 1 listed Syon House and gardens, the advice takes leave of any common sense.

“At the western end of the site, the scheme integrates the church and existing trees and creates a new public space. The eastern side, however, appears less successful: if designed by less experienced hands the multi-story car park could become an uninspiring building facing the blank walls of the existing supermarket; this is unfortunate given the prominent location at the entrance to the high street and Brentford.”

We would agree.

“The density of the proposal and the complexity of the courtyard blocks require great design skills which are apparent in the current proposal. To ensure that the delivered scheme will match the original design intentions, we urge the local authority to condition the elevational treatment and materials.”

We would agree.

“Phase 1- We welcome the richness of the proposal and the fact that a number of skilled architects have worked together to create a homogenous, new piece of Brentford. We think that the proposal has the potential to become a vibrant place to live.”

We welcome the mix of architects but hoped for designs that were less bland and homogenous and respected the local vernacular.  We believe the scheme has a long way to go before it offers the potential for a vibrant place to live.

“Given that the presentation to the Cabe panel did not illustrate the various residential typologies, we urge the local authority to ensure themselves that the blocks provide decent floor plans with a minimum of single aspect flats and that overlooking and privacy issues are avoided as well as overshadowing and overheating problems.

We would agree.

“Finally, sufficient soil needs to be provided above the car parking to allow trees to grow.”

We would agree.

The Cabe Design Review guidance (pg 6) states: “Design Review… gives decision makers the confidence and information to support innovative, high quality designs that meet the needs of their communities…”.  The Brentford community expressed its needs through the Community Vision for Brentford High Street (2007) and the Brentford Area Action Plan (2009).  From our experience of being at the receiving end of this Cabe Design Review, the organisation still has a long distance to travel in advocating “designs that meet the needs of their communities”.  We wish their new Chief Executive luck in this journey and strongly advise planning officials to put this flawed, opaque study in a bin where it belongs.

Andrew Dakers writes this blog posting in his capacity as Chair of Brentford High Street Steering Group, the local regeneration charity.  His analysis of the wider failings in Ballymore’s planning process can be read here.

Brentford High Street – Achieving regeneration of beauty and a human scale

As many of you will know, the regeneration of Brentford High Street, has been a cause close to my heart for many years.  As a local councillor I convened the start-up of Brentford High Street Steering Group (BHSSG) in 2006 with cross-party support and I remain chair. In 2007 I spent a year facilitating the community participation that led to the Community Vision report for the high street, subsequently recognised in the annual awards of the Academy for Sustainable Communities.  Many aspects of the Community Vision were reflected in the Brentford Area Action Plan (local planning policy) published in 2009 – and then the Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment report in 2010.

We have always been – and remain – constructive critics, and sometimes critical friends/partners, of the developers Ballymore.  With our dialogue based approach it was therefore with a heavy heart, feeling that some of our substantial concerns and ideas have not reached Ballymore’s management and investors that we have raised the volume on our critique of the scheme in recent months.  From our website, this was picked up by BrentfordTW8.comThe Hounslow Chronicle and now The Irish Times.

This blog endeavours to set out in some detail what BHSSG feels is to be commended, and where substantial improvements are still required…

Where the current Ballymore team are to be commended

Sadly the predecessors of the current Ballymore team in London cleared out many small businesses from the south side of the High Street in 2005-7 leaving dereliction in their wake.  This created a challenging base for the current team to start building relations with the community.

However since 2007 we would credit Ballymore’s project managers with ensuring that most of the spaces that had not been wrecked were reoccupied.  The company has:

  • supported initiatives such as the town’s Christmas lights and community art initiatives;
  • worked in partnership with volunteers and micro-enterprises on “meanwhile uses”, which has prevented Brentford High Street’s collapse through the recession;
  • co-commissioning the Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment report in 2010 with Brentford High Street Steering Group; and
  • when London Borough of Hounslow looked to bid for Outer London Fund Round 2 funding from the Mayor of London and needed a delivery partner, Ballymore gamely stepped up to the table and offered to help.  (Developers ISIS eventually secured the project management brief but the tangible support of Ballymore must be welcomed).

We now have to look to the future.  Getting meanwhile usage right does not negate the need to implement the community’s vision for the regeneration.  As explained below, the planning approach has left too much in the hands of architects that do not demonstrate a deep enough empathy with the area – and been selective in what aspects of the community’s vision they incorporate.

Where the planning application falls short – too tall and ugly

In the coming days we will publish an updated version of our Regeneration Scorecard.  This looks at the present scheme alongside the goals of the 2007, 2009 and 2010 policy/guidelines.

We welcome the fact that the scheme has the potential to respond to a number of environmental sustainability issues, restore quite a few historic buildings and inject new vitality into Brentford’s retail offer.   I can vouch having visited Ballymore’s Embassy Gardens scheme that their ability to deliver high quality interiors and living spaces is impressive. On a two dimensional level there is also plenty that links the proposed street scape to the community vision – although the yard retaining Brentford’s oldest yard name (Boar’s Head Yard) is notable by its absence from the Planning Application, which is a very unfortunate loss.  Where the scheme seems to have gone adrift was when it went into 3D.

BHSSG has said for many years that the community should be involved in selecting the scheme architects.  We have also always said that the massing should respect the spirit and intent of the Brentford Area Action Plan (BAAP).

Ballymore have long stated that they could not involve the community in the choice of architect as it is a very important process for them and they needed to ensure that the selected team were able to deliver the quality that Ballymore require.  BHSSG share this desire for a quality build so we remain baffled as to why we could not have been involved in the long listing and short listing.  Community involvement in the selection of architects for ISIS’ Commerce Rd site shows the difference in collective ownership this can make.

BHSSG have tried to help the planning process reach a successful conclusion by arguing consistently for three styles of architecture to be blended across what is a substantial site: restoration of old buildings, modernism and also traditional styles in the new build.  The latter would help ensure the retention – and sometimes creation – of the “nooks and crannies” that give the area its character and charm, rather than an overwhelming amount of angular modern architecture that drowns out the historic buildings.   This approach would blend the old with the new.

We have clearly failed to make the case thus far for securing this third strand of traditional styles as part of the mix – some sadly call it pastiche in a derogatory way.  As others have argued, traditional styles “can be used confidently as symbols of continuity in our changing lives… The C20th modernists have used modernism to portray amnesia for the past and a break with any tradition.”

The need for deep community participation in design

This gap between the Community Vision and planning application reflects the reality that Ballymore and their architects have not yet embraced the “Community architecture” approach that we argue is necessary in our historic town centre.  This can simply be defined as, “architecture carried out with the active participation of the end-users”.   If their architects were asked clearly by Ballymore as the commissioners to embrace community architecture they would have let go of the modernism in some areas of the site.  This would ensure some architecture of a traditional style and respond to the full spectrum of architectural styles and characters the community envisioned.

Community architecture can be traced back to the 1950s self-help community initiatives in developing countries.  In these self-help projects, the professionals joined hands with the people to improve their environment.  It has now developed in different forms around the world with a common vision, that is, public participation in decisions affecting their environments and lives.  The Conservative’s in the UK published a green paper prior to the 2010 general election on the future of planning that talked of an “Open Source planning” approach, perhaps in a similar spirit?  If we look to the way that a traditional style was incorporated into the Kew Bridge side of the St Georges Kew Bridge scheme we can see community influence in practice.

BHSSG have always said “consultation” without genuine “participation” was insufficient for such a critical site to Brentford’s history and future.   In this vein we requested that BHSSG/ the community needed to have key site reports released iteratively to comment on – not all at the point of planning application as eventually occurred. We now have to spend our weekends, against a ticking clock, trawling through and scrutinising environmental sustainabilityretaileconomic and dozens of other reports that should have been discussed much earlier in the design process.  Perhaps most critically the Design Code and Design Approach should have secured the support of the local community 12 months ago, before the architects launched into the detailed design phase.

After giving our time in 2007 to visit a selection of London sites that excited Ballymore, we even offered to take Ballymore and their architects this Autumn to visit sites that we thought should be used as references.  Both these offers over the past year, early feedback on site reports and reference site visits,  have sadly been ignored.

Iterative improvements are not enough

Over the past 12 months we have given considerable amounts of time to the consultation process as volunteers sitting on a ‘Reference Group’.  The Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) shows the piecemeal responses from Ballymore to our substantive concerns regarding architecture and massing.

When the final planning application was submitted in September 2012 (of which the SCI is a part) it became absolutely clear that fundamental issues we are raising of massing and architectural aesthetic had been ignored – or that for some reason the Ballymore project team do not have the room for manoeuvre needed to secure the full support of the community.   With more realistic ambitions from their investors about Return on Investment (ROI) and therefore massing – as well as a shift in design approach – we would not be at this impasse. If the land has been over-valued then losses should be accepted sooner rather than later.  However it may be that ROI can be maximised through higher quality housing of reduced density – each unit may sell at a higher price point.

As someone that has personally experienced growing delays in the wait times to see a local GP as Brentford’s population has grown sharply – and seen friends struggling to get their kids into the local primary and secondary schools of their choice – 930 flats (the massing) is a real, not an abstract, concern.

Ballymore and community stakeholders are now faced with a dilemma as to whether there is value in continuing to try and achieve iterative improvements to the plans that are presently on the table.

Next steps – achieving a world-class scheme

We have continued to input to the process in recent weeks and months, despite our significant misgivings, to try and improve the scheme. Within the limited scope of Ballymore’s present readiness for change to the plans we do not want to be unhelpful.  Whilst Ballymore may be frustrated at a brighter spotlight than ever now falling on the scheme, sustained dialogue is clearly more important than ever.  Neither Ballymore nor the local community want delays or additional costs to be incurred in the scheme securing planning permission and proceeding.

We strongly believe a world class scheme can be put together that meets all stakeholders needs, but there needs to be a shift on these fundamentals.  Brentford’s town centre regeneration is a risk shared by Ballymore, their backers and the local community – whether planning permission can be secured and the development succeeds or fails will affect all our investments in Brentford.

Andrew Dakers writes this blog post in his capacity as Chair of Brentford High Street Steering Group.

Thank you…

As the dust settles on the election I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for the phenomenal support you have given me and the Liberal Democrats over the past few months. Too many messages have come in by phone, e-mail, text and twitter in the past 48hrs for me to be able to respond individually, but please know that your support and good wishes for the future mean an awful lot to me. For close family it has been a particularly testing time – thank you for your patience, love and support throughout. It’s not easy living with a parliamentary candidate 150% focused on the task at hand!
The results
On all levels I think we can be proud of what we achieved. Five years ago in the General Election, with your generous support, we secured 10,500 votes. This was the best result for the Liberal Democrats in the Brentford & Isleworth constituency in about 100 years. This time you set another record. Almost 13,000 votes and at 23.7% of the vote, an increase of 0.7% in our percentage vote share. I am of course disappointed that more Labour and Conservative supporters did not back us. However I appreciated many people felt the safest way to get rid of the incumbent Labour MP under the present voting system was to vote Tory, and others felt a continued loyalty to old Labour party values, if not our former MP. I hope you continue to look closely at the Lib Dems’ manifesto in the years ahead and consider giving us your support next time.
I wish our new MP the best of luck in her new post, but re-iterate my challenge to her on Heathrow: we must bring back the Cranford Agreement to stop Heathrow’s expansion by stealth and instead focus on developing a more diverse local economy.
Many have asked what happened to the Clegg bounce? Well locally it gave us a substantial surge in volunteers and funding in the final six weeks. What it could not make up for was decades of big spending on marketing and “voter ID” by Labour in this constituency — and also the Tories in the past few years. Thursday’s result proves how winning today’s elections still depends on big spending over a prolonged period of time and then being able to mobilise those identified supporters on election day.
In the local elections our strong support was swamped by voters who usually only turnout to vote in the General Election and suddenly found themselves voting in the local election too. Their General Election voting pattern – Labour or Conservative – was simply transposed onto the local election ballot. All thirteen Independents and Lib Dems on Hounslow Council lost their seats. Hounslow is a two party state again. I fear the quality of decision making in Hounslow will be poorer for the lack of diversity of political perspectives. This illustrates clearly the desperate need for reform in the local, as well as national voting system.
It has been a wonderful privilege representing the people of Brentford over the past four years and I will of course continue to support local projects and organisations.
Hung Parliament negotiations
I know from the messages that that have been sent to me that our many progressive supporters have real anxieties about any deal with the Tories. Let’s see what the next few days brings. As Stephen Tall writes on Lib Dem Voice, there is unfortunately no right answer for Nick Clegg and the Liberal Democrat party. All options come with problems. Our priority now must be to ensure stable Government and delivery of as much of our key election commitments as possible.
What I am absolutely clear about – and will say in all my communications with senior colleagues in the hours and days ahead – is that any deal must include Proportional Representation. A short timetable for a referendum must be set out, and any group set up to manage the process should take as their starting point the conclusions of theJenkins Commission. Such is the crisis in our democracy that our political system must be reinvented to give voice to all in our society. As the next Government seeks to reduce the nation’s debt, a stronger democracy must also be seen as intrinsic to how Britain will best cope with the difficult fallout from the essential restructuring our economy and welfare state face ahead.
I hope many of you will join me and thousands of others at the Take Back Parliament protest in Parliament Square on Saturday 15th May:
What next?
On personal level I am re-entering the job market after eight months full time on the campaign. (Let me know if you spot any exciting job opportunities!) Hounslow Liberal Democrats come out of this contest with more supporters and new members than ever before. In the coming weeks we will reflect on lessons to be learned from this campaign and plan our campaign strategy for the next few years — do stay in touch and get involved. Let’s hope we are preparing soon for a campaign for PR in a referendum on electoral reform.
Please e-mail if you would like to attend our post election Summer party on Sunday 13 June at The Cedars, 2 Upper Butts, Brentford. £10 per head, with money raised going toward our campaign fund!